AgileLAB Re-Accredited for ICP-CAT Training per Newest ICAgile Standards

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Friends, we have great news! AgileLAB was one of the first companies to receive the reauthorization of the Coaching Agile Transformations (ICP-CAT) training with the latest revision!

Why has the Enterprise Agile Coaching track changed?

The direction of Enterprise Agile Coaching has evolved- and we’ve evolved with it!

We deliver industry-leading learning outcomes that enable us to develop in-house and open trainings and courses that increase business agility. We’re proud to raise the bar even higher for the profession of Enterprise Agile Coaching with ICAgile.
What changed
View the ICP-CAT and ICP-ENT Delta Matrices to see the changes to our Learning Outcomes.

When ICAgile first launched the Enterprise Agile Coaching track, there was no clarity around this profession and discipline. With the development of this track and the competency-based Expert certification, ICAgile has been instrumental in defining the discipline.

Now we continue to advance the profession of Enterprise Agile Coach together.

Enterprise Agile Coaching track updated in collaboration with the Agile Coaching community to bring consistency and rigor to reflect the state of practice and to set the tone for the future.

Together with the ICAgile industry experts took part in the creation of the track: Marsha Acker, Kevin Callahan, Michele Madore, Simon Powers, and Michael Spayd.
Changes in track content
  • ICAgile brought in an exploration of the tension between professional coaching and consulting;
  • The importance of human-centered change, the Enterprise Agile Coaching skills needed to observe and assess culture in support of business agility  are emphasized;
  • The relationship between system coaching and Enterprise Agile coaching is defined;
  • Expanded basic facilitation skills to include methods for boundary spanning, working with polarities, etc.;
  • Strengthened training related to leadership, added leadership styles, development of leaders, the impact of Enterprise Agile coaches on leaders.
Updated the certification names
  • Updated certificate names to better match content;
  • The name of the two knowledge-based courses on this track will be renamed to the following in November 2023 when the larger announcement of these changes go live;
  • the certification acronym will remain the same:
The ICAgile Certified Professional in Enterprise Agile Coaching (ICP-ENT) 
ICAgile Certified Professional in Coaching Agile Transformations (ICP-CAT)

  • ICAgile created a stronger alignment between the two knowledge-based courses and the expert-level designation on this track.
The two knowledge-based courses on this track are designed to go hand-in-hand and in progression. The ICAgile Certified Professional in Enterprise Agile Coaching (ICP-ENT) sets a strong foundation that covers the knowledge and skills needed to coach across the organization in support of business agility. The second certification, ICAgile Certified Professional in Coaching Agile Transformations (ICP-CAT), builds upon the first certification by expanding on the coaching skills necessary to work with leadership, change, and culture. 

In support of professionals going through the Enterprise Agile Coaching journey, ICAgile revised this track to create a comprehensive and cohesive journey that culminates in the ICAgile Certified Expert in Enterprise Coaching (ICE-EC) competencies.
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